Flight of the Bumblebee
Posted by funky monkey
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Man I just woke from the loveliest dream that someone bought me an ipad as a surprise! In my dream, I was staying in a beautiful hotel and suddenly there was a package for me that got delivered to my room. I opened it and it was an ipad. It was just beautiful and remembered feeling and touching the thing and starting to play with it abit. Then in my dream I was going to take a picture of myself with it and put it on my blogsite and start blogging about it. This is when you know that this must only a dream because in reality, ipads don't actually have a camera on them. So the ipad in my dream was even better than the one here in the real world LOL Nobody knows for sure what causes dreams. Scientists are still trying to figure it out. Although I do have a strong suspicion that this video that I was watching last nite just before I went to bed may have been behind what caused my "ipad dream". It's a Youtube video of a pianist using and ipad to play "Flight of the Bumblebee" onstage at a Symphony.

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