"Waza waza"
No, I'm haven't taken on some new native tribal language. The actual phrase here is "Waza waza domo" and it is an ultra polite way of saying "thank you" in the Japanese business culture. This blog is the third part installment to a series of blogs I have been writing to review Rocket Japanese's program. There is a part of the course that teaches you a way of speaking when you are doing business or in ultra formal situations. This type of Japanese is called "kaigo" and the interactions and words you must use in formal situations is culture all on it's own.

I am so thankful out there for a program like Rocket Japanese that gives me a mini culture course on phrases I must use and the expectations of me in those settings. Let's see if I can remember some of what I just learned....watashi becomes wakushi. Koko (here) and soko (there) becomes "kochira" and "sochira". When giving a gift I must present it with both hands, bow, and then say something like "I am very sorry for this boring and worthless gift".

I'm glad that I'm not planning to do business in Japan anytime soon! So many things to remember when dealing with an ultra formal situation. But Japan has a booming economy and you never know where life may take you so i think that knowing business Japanese is a valuable tool to have for the future. Rocket Japanese will have you conquering "kaigo" in no time!
Ganbatte! Good luck!
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