The Cookie Dough Chronicles
Posted by tango2themoon
Monday, June 20, 2011
Normally when someone says to me "I have a blog" or "I'm gonna start a blog", my first reaction is to cringe. Because already in my head, I'm thinking "So you're starting a website where you talk about your garden or your cats and talk about things that only 10 people are going to understand?" There are so many bad blogs out there that as I scavenge the net for fresh material, I give the website 10 secs of my time (or if I'm feeling ultra generous then maybe 30 secs) before deciding whether I'll ever come back again. "Failure to Launch" would be the best term used to describe the majority of blogs out there. Simply because the style of writing doesn't engage me and the content is completely useless and to anyone who doesn't know them personally.
Every now and then someone launches a blog that actually has potential and shows that they "get it", like my friends Caley and Terri in their new blog "The Cookie Dough Chronicles" The blog is just days old but even in this stage, they've created something that would be interesting to anyone whether you know them personally or not. But knowing them personally does help because eating food straight out of Terri's kitchen is a one way street to living a longer and healthier life. "The Cookie Dough Chronicles" is a great way to have your love affair and a "fling" with food with a west-coast flair even if you've never been to British Columbia.
Anyone who knows me personally knows that if the rapture were to happen today (as opposed to May 21 or Oct 21), the last place Jesus would find me would be in the kitchen. Reading food blogs or doing wine tastings are the last activities in the world that I would consider enjoyment. But this one made my head turn and is rather refreshing to see these two girls put out something on the internet that could help people live healthier and stay economical at the same time. I would like the blogging community to embrace these two girls who actually give blogging a good reputation. If you are a seasoned food blogger, don't hesitate to contact these girls with tricks and tips on the art of combining food and blogging.
Perhaps the greatest miracle since the birth of Christ is that their blog could turn me into a "foodie".......
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