Let's Get Engaged : The Holy Grail
Posted by tango2themoon
Thursday, March 03, 2011

And not only do I blog, but I put together blogsites and have had experience in helping put together blogsites for others that will help increase the level of engagment between them and those in cyberspace. And a key part of my success is the tools I use and have available to me as well as having access to great websites that contain wicked templates and mind blowing articles on tricks and hacks for bloggers. I owe so much to these people, websites, and companies that put so much time and effort into being a great resource and now it's my turn to take time out to acknowledge them and give them some exposure.
And I just want to note here that social media is such a massive topic and different people from different walks of life and backgrounds are going to use it in different ways. I'm a blogger and a writer who is well versed with the Blogger platform and how it works. All the experience, tricks, and hacks I know are about blogs and specifically with blogger. But that doesn't mean that someone who uses Wordpress can't benefit from my words and experience :) Now that we've cleared that up we are ready to start!
The secret to social media is engagement. I pour through hundreds of articles and the word "engagement" always pops up. Engagement is how much your visitors are interacting with your blogsite. Engagement is the holy grail of social media, the most coveted thing but seemly impossible to achieve and something that nobody really knows how to find or where to begin.....until now.
Engagement is not something that I can teach you to do in one day but if you stick with me through this blog series you'll see how the theme of engagement is weaved and hopefully by the last post in the series, you'll have a better grasp on how to engage your audience. So get ready as our hunt for the holy grail begins....
Blogs featured on our hunt for the holy grail include:
"Indiana Jones and the Template of Doom"
"Open Blog Surgery"
"Who Gives a Hoot?"
"Facebook Frenemies"
"Surf's Up!!!"

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