Let's Get Engaged : Indiana Jones and the Template of Doom
Posted by tango2themoon
Saturday, March 05, 2011
This is the second article in the social media strategies series "Let's Get Engaged"
"In the beginning God created the earth and the earth was without form...."
That biblical quote is probably what I would use to describe the majority of blogs that I come across.....without form! Most people's idea of a blog is to sign up for a blogsite with blogger or wordpress, put some pics of their family friends and life and then sit and wait hoping to get hits. Unfortunately they lack one vital ingredient.....a good template.
As an experienced blogger who has worked with 6 websites (3 of them with more than 1000 hits), I can tell you right now that a good template is the foundation for a good blog and it is the life of the party. Many blogs fail because there is no design element, the writing is bad, and there is nothing else on the blogsite for me to do other than read the blogpost and then be on my way. In short, it's Indiana Jones and the Template of Doom!
Recently I had a new assignment and that new assignment was to do a makeover for a blogger blogsite. Just like any other blogger blogsite, this blogsite had a default Blogger template. But that wouldn't be the case by the time I was done with that blogsite. I was determined to pull out all stops and showcase the very best of the blogging community as well as as just what the platform Blogger is capable of. My very first step in this whole makeover would be to find a WICKED template. From experience, I knew that all my work would be worth nothing if we didn't have a good template. And this time would be especially important because this particular blogsite was for a business and so I also had a specific criteria to fulfill.
So what does one look for in a good template? It's a combination of good looks and functionality. There are literally thousands of templates out there, some good and some bad. One of my favorite resources is allblogtools.com They were the very first website I went to when I started to learn tricks and hacks in blogger. Alot of the fancy stuff you see on my blogsites is a result of an afternoon spent reading their articles. They recently got a makeover themselves and are better than ever. And their collection of templates never ceases to end.
One thing I loved about their blogsite is that they show their most viewed and downloaded templates. That's one trick I use to save time, when I see that a template has a high number of downloads, there is often a good reason for it. I happened to click on "Most Viewed Templates" and it listed one particular template that caught my attention. Little did I know that this template would later on become the chosen one, the one to rule them all!
When planning for a new template, it is important to read the reviews on that template. Templates are like pets & shoes.....they look so good in the store but once you take them home, it's when the fun starts or stops! A great site that came as an invaluable resource during this time was bloggerstyles.com There really is no other site like this site where you can look up reviews and ratings for any template your are considering. It has a unique rating system where it gives a template bronze, silver, or gold depending on how well a template fulfills a certain criteria. I consider bloggerstyles.com an invaluable resource for helping me determine the functionality of any template that I'm interested in and because of the great rating systems, I saved myself hours and possibly days of time because I was able to narrow down my choices based on their reviews.
Some other websites that I constantly refer to is Cool Tricks & Tips. I've learned some WICKED hacks and codes through them and they are a great reference for templates. As well btemplates.com has helped me tremendously with their excellent variety of templates in an easy to read format. When it came down to narrowing my selection, I like to refer to 3 or 4 websites and read the different reviews on that template. It may sound mundane but trust me when I can say it will save you a big headache later.
Make sure that when picking a template, you pick one that matches your level of experience. In fact, I will let you know that this website you see right now, Tango 2 the Moon was my very first blog that I branched out from blogger's default format and used a template. This template actually was relatively easy to install and there is only a medium level of customization involved. My other blog Creatively Complex, the one I did for a rock band was the template where i needed the highest level of skill. I used a template called Zinmag Remedy and it's a cool, sexy looking template but did require a great deal of customization. This is the kind of template you want to use only after you've had a little bit of practice with other blogs templates and doing hacks and codes in blogger. For those of you who may be just starting out and don't quite know where to begin, the template "Notepad Chaos" is one of the most popular and easy to install templates available.
From there I researched this template and checked out reviews on other blogsites as well as looked at the number of downloads and hits for this particular template. And of course uploading the template was just the first part, I had to add some hacks and codes which I will cover in another post in this series. What I will say for now is that the moment I uploaded the template, it was love at first sight....
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